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Energy efficient and reusable radiators

Convection heat vs. radiant heat


What is the difference, and which should you choose?

When we talk about modern heating, there are two heating options, namely convection heating and radiant heating. Convection heat heats the air in a room, where radiant heat heats surfaces, objects and people in the room. Depending on the function of the room, each may be preferable, and in some cases you will get the best result by having both.

So which heat sources provide which type of heat and what are the benefits of each?


Convection heating with radiators

A radiator is a good example of a heat source that primarily uses convection heat. And this has a big impact on why radiators are usually placed under a window or in front of large glass sections. Cold air moves downwards, while warm air moves upwards. So, when cold air enters at the window, it searches down into the radiator and is heated, after which the now warm air searches up and spreads in the room.

Advantages of convection heating:

  • Reduces heat loss
  • Reduces cold drafts from windows
  • Saves energy with fast response time
  • Save money
  • Provides a comfortable room temperature in rooms with a high turnover of people


Challenges of convection heating:

  • Circulates dust
  • Heated air moves mainly vertically



Radiant heating with floor and ceiling panels

Underfloor heating and ceiling panels are typical heat sources that primarily use radiant heat, which therefore heats objects, surfaces and people in the room. The radiant heat is more direct, and you will therefore often experience the heat faster. Therefore, they should preferably be placed evenly under the entire floor or over the entire ceiling, so that the sofa at one end of the living room is exposed to the same amount of heat as the dining table at the other end.

Advantages of radiant heat:

  • Spreads evenly in all directions.
  • Good when the air changes often (e.g., in corridors, walkways)


Challenges of radiant heating:

  • Difficult to maintain a constant temperature in rooms where people come and go
  • Can become expensive with a high turnover of people and create energy waste


So, which should you choose?

The answer depends on what kind of room you need to heat, and often a combination of both convection and radiant heating will be preferable. Hudevad radiators provide a mixture of both convection and radiant heat with a typical distribution of 70/30, i.e. 70% convection heat and 30% radiant heat. The fact is that the right heat distribution can be crucial for maximum comfort and performance and choosing the right heat distribution has a direct effect on our performance and on our thought processes.

At Hudevad, we have extensive experience in advising construction parties on everything within heating optimization, modern heating solutions and special solutions, and we are of course also ready to help you achieve your next project.

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